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MSP granted US Patent for New Pipe Installation Method

March 18, 2015 – Patent No. 8,944,111 B2 (111 B2) identifies the Perfect Pitch® system as both an apparatus and method of installation used to ensure that a proper pitch is employed in condensate and waste piping installations for the transport of liquid to a termination point. “After being in the HVACR trade for 30 years, I realized that water damage from improper installations was a huge problem. I found the right guys to help me fix it and I’ll be proud to make an impact if it ever takes off.” Eric Allendorf, inventor of Perfect Pitch® said, “It’s a secondary bonus for me if it saves people time.” The Perfect Pitch® system is made of a glass reinforced polypropylene, molded into stanchions with built-in rulers. Snapping the accompanying universal pipe clamps onto the stanchions at a specified height above the secured base of the stanchion allows the user to meet local, state, or federal building codes when used in relation to another stanchion, where the universal pipe clamp has been set at a lower level. This will achieve a downward pitch and gravitational flow will take the liquid away from its source. This system’s features address issues that have caused water damage in the past. The built-in rulers allow the user to measure pitch accurately and the universal pipe clamps hold piping installations securely to prevent lines from sagging. The product has been patent pending since 2011, when it was first brought to market. Since then, it has steadily built a following among installers and technicians due to its ease of use and the peace of mind it leaves them with. It was first seen in supply houses in New England but has found its way into several national distributors, including R.E. Michel. It has also been recently featured on ABOUT MSP Midsun Specialty Products Inc. (MSP), based in Berlin, Connecticut USA, is a manufacturer and distributor of silicone tapes, corrosion prevention coatings and specialty products. With a company focus on quality, service, and innovation, MSP offers provisions designed to protect consumer and industry assets for years to come. MSP originated as a division of Midsun Group (est. 1992), a leader in Animal Mitigation and Corrosion Prevention in the Electric Utility sector, and established its own identity in 2000. MSP continues its sister company’s mission to providing world-class products and services. For more information on MSP, visit or call (888) 866-8273. For more information about the Perfect Pitch® system, visit